Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who likes to scrapbook?

I totally love to scrapbook! Just found an awesome site on facebook for scrapbookers.

But, I have a confession-
Though I really love to scrapbook, I find it hard to get started! Anyone with that same problem?

All my scrapbooking stuff is packed away in tubs, because of lack of room for a specific "scrapbooking area". So, I find it really hard to motivate myself to get all the tubs out and sort through everything (which seems to take forever) just to get started. And once I get started (which is then when the creative juices start flowing and I really start to love it) I make a mess of the kitchen. I mean paper and stickers and pictures and glue and on and on are all over. I really do like to have everything out so I can see what I have, so I don't miss out on certain things I bought years and years ago with an awesome plan in mind.

Aren't those awesome plans GREAT! You find a great deal or just a really cute item and you know it would work great for that certain page you've been trying to finish or START for, oh I don't know, months and months now and just never got around to it. Yep, awesome plan huh?

I really do love to scrapbook and I wish I had more time and more motivation to get started.

Check me out on etsy!