Thursday, October 15, 2009

Looks Yummy!

Turtle Pumpkin Pie
Doesn't this look good?
(picture from kraftfoods)

I was looking through my Good Housekeeping magazine and found this!  It is a Turtle Pumpkin Pie!  The recipe can be found in kraftfoods website.  I am always looking for new and yummy recipes to try, and can't wait to try this one.

I would love for you to share your favorite with me a comment.

Monday, October 12, 2009

new stuff on my blog

I added "my etsy favorites" to my blog.  You can find it on the right of the screen, you might have to scroll down a little (it's under my facebook badge).  When I am in etsy it is a lot of fun to browse all the different types of items sellers have.  So, I thought it would be neat to share my favorites with my readers.
I will also be doing another post of items from my facebook friends I am finding!  Check out my first post on that (a couple of posts down), I found some really neat stuff!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I think I fixed it! I think I fixed the whole "comments" issue.  A lot of people have been letting me know they have been having issues when leaving a comment on my blog, and I had no idea what to do.  Thanks to some fellow etsy friends I think I have finally fixed the problem.  Although I will not know for sure until someone tries, I really do hope it works now.  If you are reading this, please try to leave a comment so I will know whether or not I know what I am doing (ha ha)!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Facebook Friends' Items!

So I am enjoying facebook and meeting a lot of crafty people.  I am browsing their etsy shops and thought I would share some really neat items I am finding.  These would make great Christmas gifts, and would be fun to get "just because"!

She sells a little bit of everything from stained glass jewelry to baby hats, check out these earrings! I totally love purple and how cool...stained glass!

She makes the cutest art dolls! I love teddy bears, isn't he cute!

She is a really talented painter with a unique style. So pretty!

The shop is full of Scandinavian textile art and unique handmade supplies.  I really think this would be a lovely addition to anyone's holiday decor. Isn't is pretty?

She has really cute hair accessories!  As a mom I am always looking for cute things to put in my daughter's hair. This is just one of her many creations!

Okay so these are just a few of my favorites I have found browsing all my facebook friends' shops.  Enjoy browsing their shops, they really do have some cool stuff!  Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite is.

I will be adding more of my favorites I have found, so keep checking back!

I would love for you to become a follower of my blog, all you have to do is click the "follow" button located on the right side closer to the top of my blog...and you will be able to stay updated with all my favorite items I am finding!  (Okay so I am new to all this "blogging stuff" and I am sure most of you know how to become a follower of a blog...but for those who don't I thought this info would be helpful.)

visit my etsy shop

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Let's Bake Up Somethin' Good

cookiesYep, I am on a baking craze!  With the holidays coming up I find myself wanting to be in the kitchen baking more than we can give out and eat ourselves!!  But, it sure is fun.  I am always looking for great, fun, easy, kid-friendly recipes to try.  If you have any recipes you would like to share, I'd love to know.  Leave me your favorites in my comment box or post them on my facebook.